Jacket from Kimandra

Bag from Kimandra
Name : lisa mettier aka. gschpænli.
Where are you from: I'm from the mountains, I lived in many different towns in Switzerland. Actually I live in Zurich and Bern
Age: 23
Occupation: graphic design, party-organisation, DJ management, fashionmodel, blogger
Favourite piece in closet: long blazer, tight jeans and hight heels
Some words about fashion: I hate it! It kills all my time and money. I'm addicted.
Favourite Animal: cheetah, cause its thin, fast and cute.
Obsessions: living at my boyfriend's place, good smelling trees at night, comments.
5 things you hate: getting lost, no feedback, to know someone and and be too shy to say hello, beeing late, not knowing the right answer, sexist commercials.

We love how Lisa and Jonas translate our pieces into there own amazing style, we are honored that they wear Kimandra. What we love even more is that they share a piece that looks just as awesome on both of them. Which is our vision exactly, that clothing shouldn't have any gender boundaries!
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